Expert Dermatologist and Co-developer of SunoHada Dr. Yokoyama answers your sensitive skin questions in her monthly Skinsecure Spotlight.


My 9 year old gets flare-ups of dry, red skin patches on the upper arms that cause great itch & discomfort! These breakouts seem to occur most around school exam time. I am frustrated as I try to moisturize her skin on a regular basis

from Ourbeautifulsingapore


Should your child suffer from dry, sensitive skin, it is essential to avoid scratching and rubbing, and keep the skin moisturized sufficiently. Even a slight environmental change or mental stress can cause itch and your child can unconsciously scratch skin, resulting in a deterioration of the skin’s condition.


Therefore, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer that is gentle enough for sensitive skin, with no undesired chemicals, to effectively relieve not only dryness but also itch.


Apply the moisturizer sufficiently every day after showering, both in the morning and evening. If you are worried about stickiness and do not apply sufficient lotion amount, you will not see optimal effectiveness. Also, it may get worse by scratching at school or on-the-go. So when your child feels dry or itchy outside of home, it is recommended to do proper sensitive skincare even on-the-go.

Mental stress would also trigger your child’s sensitive skin.

In such cases, it is important to understand and ensure the child is aware that he or she has a mental stress. To relieve his or her stress, it is recommended to have a good sleep and secure time to relax, such as listening favorite music, doing light exercise and so on.

Also you can better avoid the causes of sensitive skin, such as excessive washing which can remove necessary sebum for skin protection and external factors such as prolonged exposure to air conditioning which can irritate skin.

If your child’s skin condition still does not improve, or if the symptoms worsen even with the everyday skincare, your child’s skin may be irritated by allergic symptoms, urticariaI, inflammation and so on. In that case, please do see a dermatologist or doctor.

See best baby gentle wash and baby gentle lotion.