Developed with a Dermatologist who understands

Causes & Caring for Sensitive Skin

What is
Sensitive Skin?
Unlocks the key to dry & itchy skin relief
Relieves dryness and itch with plant-based moisturizing ingredient
Care throughout the day at home and on-the-go.
Simple yet effective routine to care for sensitive skin 24/7.
step 1
Gently washes while restoring skin’s natural moisture balance
step 2
Plant-based moisturizing ingredient helps reduce dryness and itch
Relieve itch on-the-go
Clinically proven to relieve dryness and itch in 1 minute
A baby’s skin layer is about one half the thickness of an adult’s skin, which is why babies need extra care.
step 1
Gently washes baby’s skin and hair using your bare hands,
Causes & Caring for Sensitive Skin
What is
Sensitive Skin?
Real women. Honest opinions.
Get your FREE Sample Kit
The new SunoHada sensitive skin range is clinically proven to moisturize skin and
relieve itch all day, every day. Click to order your complimentary routine.